Being an Author is a Business

Many people who are new to the industry don’t understand that being an author is a business. You are actually running a business. Your brand is your company and your books are your products. So it’s important to build your brand, a strong brand so that your books have something strong to stand on. 
Your brand is what your consumers are going to remember you by. Like Kraft. Most people know that Kraft supplies diary products. Or Johnson and Johnson. Think about the brands that are popular in your home. Apple. Samsung. All of these are brands that have products for consumers to buy. When we think about computers, we think about Apple or Dell. Household names. Brands that are popular in today’s society. How about Jordan. Nike. Again brands with products that are popular today. So consider your brand and your books as a business. Get a business plan. Set goals and work hard at your business daily! 

Your Literary Mentor 

-Dominiqje Watson 

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