How to Tuesday; How to Pitch to the Literary Industry

Hello Readers and Happy Tuesday!

b2ap3_thumbnail_AdobeStock_143440966-1So how do you pitch to the literary industry? You must first ask yourself, who is the literary industry? Is the literary industry your family and friends? Book stores? Magazines? Websites? Blogs? Who are we in fact pitching to?

When you learn who you are pitching to, you can then find out how to bring your work to their attention.

Let’s say for instance, you are pitching your work to a reviewer. The first thing to do is to go to their website or social media. Do a little research. Read about this person. Then go to their contact me page and read a little more. Do they have requirements for contacting them? Take note of this. More importantly, how do they like to be contacted when someone is inquiring about their services?

Sometimes, when we follow people on social media they will tell us how to contact them from a promotion. They may say, “Send an email, now!” or “Use our contact us page to inquire.”, these are things you need to pay attention to if you are thinking about contacting someone about their services in the future.

Once you have figured out how to contact them, then you want to make sure you know their requirements for being contacted. Are they asking for a press release? Bio? Press Kit? You need to know this so that you don’t send a full length bio instead of a simple byline.

Bottomline, in order to know how to pitch to the literary industry, you must first know how they like to be contacted and what their requirements are.

If you are simply pitching to the literary industry, then you need to know how these particular people receive their news. This is called target marketing. We will save this blog for another day.

-Your Literary Mentor


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